

Mutagenic Discoveries

December 10th, 2012

Alex Riggs

Best in Class Archive

            It’s Transmutation Week here at Necromancers of the Northwest, the last of our line of theme weeks devoted to each and every school of magic, which we sprinkled here and there throughout the year. While it always seems that the obvious choice for any Best in Class for such a week would be the wizard—what with their being the class that cares the most about schools of magic—we try to give a little love to a variety of different classes, so instead I’m going to go to my second-pick class when I think of transmutation: the alchemist. Real-world alchemists are all about transmuting things into other things, and besides that, the alchemist class’s mutagen is a great example of transmutation at work (even if it may not really be related to the school of magic at all) and a fun thing to play with. So here are a few alchemist discoveries specifically designed with transmutation in mind.


Diseased Pustules
Prerequisite: Alchemist 12
Benefit: When you brew a mutagen, you may choose to have it cause the imbiber to break out in horrible, disease-filled pustules which ooze ichor and pus. As long as the imbiber is under the effects of the mutagen, whenever an adjacent creature successfully damages him with a melee attack, that creature must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 12) or contract filth fever. The imbiber cannot contract the disease from his own pustules, but must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 12) when the mutagen’s effects ends, or else contract the disease himself. Creatures that would not normally be able to benefit from the mutagen do not gain the above benefits, but must still succeed on a Fortitude save or else contract filth fever.


Dismiss Mutagen
Prerequisite: Alchemist 9
Benefit: By concentrating, you can end the effects of a mutagen you have imbibed. This is a full-round action, which does not provoke attacks of opportunity. When you end the effects of a mutagen in this way, you are nauseated for 1 round, and sickened for 1 minute after that.


Fiery Breath
Prerequisite: Alchemist 6
Benefit: When you brew a mutagen, you may choose to have it grant the imbiber the ability to release a torrent of flame from his open mouth. As a standard action, the imbiber may breathe a 30-foot line of fire or a 15-foot cone of fire. Either way, each creature within the area takes 1d8 points of fire damage per two alchemist levels you possess. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + ½ your alchemist level + your Intelligence modifier) halves this damage. This ability can be used up to three times throughout the mutagen’s duration, and the imbiber must wait at least 1d4 rounds between uses. Creatures that would not normally be able to benefit from the mutagen do not gain this benefit.


Sickening Stench
Benefit: When you brew a mutagen, you may choose to have it grant the imbiber a sickening stench. If you do, then as long as the mutagen is in effect, any creature within 30 feet of the target (60 feet if downwind) must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your alchemist level + your Intelligence modifier) or be sickened for 1d4 rounds. After that period, they become used to the stench, and are not affected by it again until they stop smelling the imbiber and then do so again. Creatures that would not normally be able to benefit from the mutagen do not gain this benefit.


Undead Mutagen
Prerequisite: Alchemist 9
Benefit: When you brew a mutagen, you may choose to have it change the way the imbiber reacts to positive and negative energy. If you do, then as long as the mutagen is in effect, the imbiber is healed by negative energy as though he is undead, and is also harmed by positive energy in the same way. At 15th level, you may instead choose to have the imbiber be healed by both positive and negative energy. Creatures that would not normally be able to benefit from the mutagen do not gain this benefit.