

Fourteen Feats

July 2nd, 2010

Joshua Zaback

From the Workshop Archive 

            Greetings once again everyone, and welcome to From the Workshop, where each and every week we here at Necromancers of the Northwest bring you some new little thing to improve your game. 

            This week I would like to bring you a slew of new feats for some NNW races/templates found in our varied articles and supplements.  Below, you will find a few new feats for the culled one and the semeion races (the latter introduced in a previous From the Workshop), as well as the feral vampire , the nosferatu, and the psychic vampire templates.

The Culled Ones
            The following three feats are designed to let culled one players tap into their dark roots even farther, distancing themselves from the mortal kind who spurns them.

Blood Thirst
Prerequisite: Culled one, Character Level 13+, 4 minor traits, 4 major traits
Having unlocked the secret of your dark past, you transcend the boundaries of your mortality, drawing more than just sustenance from the blood of your victims.
Benefit: You gain the vampire bite special attack of a vampire; additionally, whenever you slay a humanoid creature with your vampire bite there is a chance (5% your per Character Level) that they rise in 1d4 days as a culled one.  This spawn is not under your control, but would be reluctant to ever attack his sire, requiring a DC 10 Will save.

Gain Major Trait
Prerequisite: CulledoOne, Character Level 7+, 4 minor traits
Continuing to delve into the secrets of your true self has allowed you greater power and access to the might of your darker nature.
Benefit: You may select one additional major trait from the culled one list of major traits provided in Liber Vampyr.  You may not take the same trait twice.
Special: This feat may be taken more than once, each time applying to a different trait.

Gain Minor Trait
Prerequisite: Culled one, Character Level 3+
By starting down a long dark road in pursuit of your heritage, you learn to tap into the well of power inherent in all culled ones.
Benefit: You may select one more minor trait from the culled one list presented in Liber Vampyr.  You may not select the same trait you have already selected.
Special: This feat may be taken more than once, each time applying to a different trait.


The Feral Vampire
            The following feats are for the feral vampire, and are designed to help players control their hunger.

Awaken the Beast
Prerequisite: Feral vampire, Character Level 5+ 
Your lust for blood consumes you, and the beast within resides close to the surface.
Benefit: Cut the duration of each hunger stage in half rounded down. Due to your willingness to give in to the beast, however, you have more difficulty resisting the urge to feed, taking a -4 penalty on Will saves to resist the urge to feed.
Special: A character with Quell the Beast cannot take Awaken the Beast.

Quell the Beast
Prerequisite: Feral vampire, Character Level 5+
Your long search for a way to hold the hunger at bay is finally beginning to pay off.
Benefit: Extend the duration of each hunger stage by one day. Additionally, you receive a +4 bonus on Will saves to resist the urge to feed.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times; its effects stack. A character with Awaken the Beast cannot take Quell the Beast.


            The following feats make the nosferatu vampire even more nightmarish and wicked.

Potent Plague Lord
Prerequisite: Nosferatu, 10+ hit dice
With the spread of disease and death your army grows ever larger and more powerful.  Your diseases are even more effective than those of other creatures of your kind.
Benefit: Those slain by your diseases have twice the normal chance of rising as undead.  Consult Table 6-1 in Liber Vampyr for more information on plague lord diseases.

Plague Overlord
Prerequisite: Nosferatu, Potent Plague Lord, 15+ hit dice
You are truly a creature to be feared; you spread disease and death with a speed and efficiency that others of your kind can only envy.
Benefit: You add your entire HD as a bonus to the save DC of your diseases.
Normal: You add only half your HD as a save DC.

Psychic Vampire
            The following feats are designed to improve the psychic vampire’s ability to feed on the life essence of others.

Improved Psychic Feeding
Prerequisites: Psychic Vampire, Character Level 7+
You drain more of the life essence from your targets than others of your kind.
Benefit: Your psychic feeding ability inflicts 1d8 points of Cha damage with a successful attack, though you still only gain 5 temporary power points.
Normal: You inflict 1d6 points of Cha drain.

Psychic Consumption
Prerequisites: Psychic vampire, Character Level 7+
You can drain away the entire life essence of those who are especially vulnerable to psychic trauma.
Benefit: As a full round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, you may perform a special attack action that rips the souls from an unconscious living creature.  The unconscious creature is entitled to a Will save DC 15 + 1/2 level + Cha modifier.  If the target fails the save he is instantly slain, and you gain temporary hit points equal to the targets current hit points/4. These hit points vanish at the end of 1 minute/character level.      


            The following feats are designed to give the semeion race better access to their innate talents.

Construct Shape
Prerequisites: Semeion, Character Level 11+
While your contemporaries have mastered only the art of changing into inanimate objects, you have learned to mimic the form of golems.
Benefit: You gain the ability to use your change shape ability to assume the form of a golem of CR equal to your character level.  While shifted you gain no special benefits of golems, but gain a +20 bonus to Disguise checks to act as a golem of that kind, and retain any senses you would ordinarily have.

Greater Shape Changing Expertise
Prerequisites: Semeion, Character Level 5+, Shape-changing Expertise
Your mastery of shape-changing is unquestionable, at any size.
Benefit: When you take this feat you may assume the shape of any object within 3 size categories of yourself     
Normal: You can only assume forms within 1 size category of your self.

Improved Change Shape
Prerequisites:  Semeion, Character Level 6+
You’ve mastered shape-shifting to equal those many years your elder.
Benefit: Your change shape ability now lasts for 1 hour/level.
Normal: Your change shape ability lasts for 10 min/1evel. 

Master Change Shape
Prerequisites: Semeion, Character Level 16+, Improved Change Shape
You are a true master of the shape-changing possessed by your people, equaling even the most ancient and venerated of the semeion.
Benefit: Your change shape ability now lasts indefinitely, and you may end or resume the ability at will.
Normal: Your change shape ability lasts 10 min/level, and you must remain changed for at least 10 minutes.

Shape-changing Expertise
Prerequisites: Semeion, Character Level 3+
You are an expert shape-changer and are no longer limited by your size when shape-changing.
Benefit: When you take this feat you may use your change shape ability to assume forms within 2 size categories of yourself.
Normal: You can only assume forms within 1 size category of your self.