

Fantastic Feasts

November 26th, 2010

Alex Riggs

From the Workshop Archive 

            Hello everyone, and welcome to a very special From the Workshop. What makes it special? Well, yesterday was Thanksgiving, after all, and since we didn’t throw you all a feast then, I thought we would go ahead and do so now, to say thanks for being such great readers.

            Regular readers of the column will remember this article by Justin Holloway, which laid out the groundwork for magical foodstuffs. Today’s feast will include a number of such magical sundries, and if you (or, more to the point, your characters) want to whip up a batch at home, you should really check Justin’s article for the information on “crafting” these magic “items.” In the meantime, sit back, grab your eatin’ dagger, and change into your nice armor, ‘cause food’s on.

Candy-Tongue Yams
Aura faint transmutation; CL
Slot –; Price 300 gp per yam; Weight 1 lb
            These yams are incredibly sweet, leaving a rich, pleasant taste on your tongue for hours. More immediately, however, after consuming a candy-tongue yam, a character gains a +5 competence bonus to all Bluff and Diplomacy checks for 30 minutes.
Exotic Ingredients pixie dust; Requirements Craft (alchemy) 6 ranks or Profession (cook) 6 ranks; Craft DC 12; Cost 150 gp per yam

Charming Cider
Aura faint enchantment; CL
Slot –; Price 450 gp per bottle; Weight 2 lbs
            Some say that alcohol is the lubrication which eases the way for social interaction, allowing for merrymaking and revelry. With no drink is that more true than charming cider. Each bottle provides four glasses worth, and anyone who drinks a glass must succeed on a DC 12 Will save or be affected as by the spell charm person, except that the subject views everyone as a helpful and trusted friend, rather than a specific target. The save DC increases by 2 for each previous glass the drinker has consumed in the past 24 hours.
Exotic Ingredients apples from a dryad’s tree or a nymph’s bound location; Requirements Craft (alchemy) 3 ranks or Profession (brewer) 5 ranks; Craft DC 14; Cost 225 gp per bottle

Giant’s Biscuits
Aura faint transmutation; CL
Slot –; Price 750 gp per biscuit; Weight 1 lb;
            These biscuit’s aren’t named for their size (though they are quite large), but for the magical properties they possess. Any creature which consumes a whole giant’s biscuit magically increases in size to the next size category. For medium creatures, this means gaining +8 Strength, +4 Constitution, and +2 natural armor, as well as a -2 penalty to Dexterity, a -1 size penalty to attacks and AC, a -2 penalty to Fly checks and a -4 penalty to Stealth checks. The effects last for 10 minutes. This ability doesn’t stack with other magical effects which increase a creature’s size, such as the spell enlarge person.
Exotic Ingredients 1 oz of titan’s blood; Requirements Craft (alchemy) 7 ranks or Profession (cook) 9 ranks; Craft DC 12; Cost 375 gp per biscuit

Moldable Potatoes
Aura strong transmutation; CL
Slot –; Price 100 gp per serving; Weight 1 lb;
            Though this substance is technically edible—it is very similar in flavor and texture to mashed potatoes, which is how it gets its name—very few people actually eat it. The true power of moldable potatoes lies in the fact that they can be transformed into virtually anything. By physically molding the moldable potatoes into a new shape, and mentally focusing on transforming it into another substance, a character can alter the moldable potatoes permanently. Doing so requires a minute of concentration and a successful DC 12 Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma check. The total value of the created substance or items cannot exceed 50 gp, and anything created by the moldable potatoes will be mundane in nature. If desired, a single serving of moldable potatoes can be transformed into several different items, though the total value still cannot exceed 50 gp. Moldable potatoes never spoil.
Exotic Ingredients doppelganger saliva, pus from a gibbering mouther; Requirements Craft (alchemy) 5 ranks; Craft DC 13; Cost 50 gp per serving

            And finally, for those of you who’ve picked up Advanced Arcana, here’s a special treat. You didn’t think we were going to forget the turkey, did you?

Turkey of Rejuvenating Slumber
Aura moderate enchantment; CL 20
Slot –; Price 3,200 gp; Weight 30 lbs
            Each turkey of revitalizing slumber can feed up to six people. Each person who benefits from the turkey is immediately affected as though by the spell Kabaz’s revitalizing rest, as well as the spell rejuvenate.
Exotic Ingredients red silk grass, used as a rub; Requirements Craft (alchemy) 12 ranks and Profession (cook) 12 ranks; Craft DC 22; Cost 1,600 gp