

Amazing Amulets

October 10th, 2012

Joshua Zaback

Magic Market Archive

            Hello everyone, and welcome to Magic Market, where each week we bring you a diverse selection of magical gear to improve the gaming experience of everyone around the table.  This week I would like to talk a little bit about magical jewelry.  Now I know you’re expecting a bunch of magic rings to follow, but since we have no less than 3 articles devoted entirely to magic rings already, I thought I would throw those of you who didn’t bother to read the title of this article a curve ball by making it all about the more or less neglected amulet.  So if you’re looking to grace your character’s neck with something more interesting than an amulet of natural armor, read on.


Amulet of Clear Warning

Amulet of Clear Warning

            This amulet consists of a simple golden chain which suspends 12 glass jewels of distinct colors.  An amulet of clear warning bears a powerful enchantment which serves to warn its wearer of potential dangers.  Each of the colored gems is enchanted to respond to the presence of a particular creature type, and glows brightly whenever a creature of the corresponding type is within 500 feet of the wearer.  Amulets of this kind include 12 gems which typically correspond to each of the non-humanoid creature types, but could be made to include humanoids but not some other kind of creature.  An amulet of clear warning makes no distinction between creatures of different subtypes and responds identically to the presence of a good lantern archon and an evil balor.


Choker of Deadly Vitality

Choker of Deadly Vitality

            This thin crimson leather band fits closely around the neck of the wearer and is decorated with alternating stylized hearts and skulls.  A powerful enchantment placed on the choker allows the wearer to trade his actual health for a temporary boost in vitality.  As often as the wearer likes he may choose to suffer 1d10 points of damage in order to immediately gain 3d10 temporary hit points.  These temporary hit points fade after 1 minute.  Activating a chocker of deadly vitality is a swift action which does not provoke attacks of opportunity.


Daggered Chain

Daggered Chain

            Appearing as nothing more than a short blade bound to a humble chain of fine nickel links this simple piece of jewelry belies a potent enchantment that makes it a deadly defense in close quarters combat.  Whenever the wearer of a daggered chain begins a round with the grappled condition, whether or not he is in control of the grapple, the daggered chain becomes animate, attacking his foes as a free action at the beginning of his round.  The daggered chain makes a single attack each round at a +11 attack bonus and deals 1d4+3 points of damage on a successful hit.  The blade of a daggered chain can be enchanted to increase its effectiveness in combat.  The cost to do so is the same as enchanting any other weapon.  For the purposes of enchanting the blade a daggered chain is considered to be masterwork weapon.


Summoner's Charm

Summoner's Charm

            This magical device consists of a heavy iron chain inscribed with exotic runes and a 4-inch by 4-inch cubic box of six different metals which hangs from the chain.  Contained within the box is the soul of a slain creature, typically a CR 7 humanoid.  By speaking the command word, the wearer of a summoner’s charm may summon any creature of the elemental subtype of a CR less than or equal to the CR of the creature whose soul powers the gem.  This ability functions identically to the spell summon monster I,except as noted above and that the duration for the effect is always 1 minute.  A new soul can be placed into the box provided it is contained in a gem or similar non-living, non-sentient, inanimate object.  Such vessels placed within the box are immediately destroyed, with the box serving as the new prison for the soul.  Destroying the summoner’s charm frees the soul inside (though the creature is still dead).  A summoner’s charm may be activated no more than 3 times each day.


Warrior’s Chain

Warrior's Chain

            These black links are all meticulously engraved with extremely fine images of men-at-arms doing battle with one another, and are joined in a chain designed to be worn around the neck.  The wearer of a warrior’s chain is better able to string his blows together, making him a deadly force on the battlefield.  Whenever the wearer of a warrior’s chain makes a full attack action, he may make an additional two attacks at his lowest base attack bonus.  In the case of characters who are two-weapon fighting, one additional attack at the lowest base attack bonus is granted with each weapon, instead.