

Necromancer's Halloween

October 31st, 2012

Joshua Zaback

Magic Market Archive

            Happy Halloween everyone, and welcome to another exciting edition of Magic Market, where we bring you the best in new magic items each and every week. As you are by now surely well aware, it’s Necromancy Week here at Necromancers of the Northwest, and seeing as it’s Halloween today, I figured I would go ahead and make some spooky Halloween costumes for you to outfit your player characters with. And since it’s Necromancy Week, I figured I might as well make the traditional undead Halloween costumes. Enjoy.


Ghost Costume

Ghost Costume

            This costume is perhaps the simplest in appearance, appealing only to the most frugal and apathetic of revelers. It consists only of an oversized white sheet with awkward holes cut out to provide eyeholes, and allow the wearer to speak and breath easily. However, the outfit’s humble appearance belies a powerful enchantment which appeals strongly to thieves and adulterous lovers alike. The cloak allows the wearer a limited form of incorporealness. Once per day, by speaking a command word, the wearer shifts slightly out of phase, allowing him to pass through walls. This ability lasts for 1 minute and allows the wearer to move through wooden barriers up to 5 feet thick, or stone barriers 1 foot thick or less. This limited incorporealness only allows the ability to pass through walls, and offers the wearer no protection against magical or nonmagical attacks. Additionally, if the wearer possesses a cloak of etherealness,he may use that cloak for an additional 10 minutes each day.


Mummy Costume

Mummy Costume

            The core of the mummy costume is formed from a single long piece of rotting silk gauze which the wearer wraps around his entire body, even covering his head and face. A minor enchantment serves both to keep the fabric from tearing to pieces, as well as to allow the wearer to move and breath comfortably. Often mummy costumes come with additional adornments which add to the aesthetic appeal of the item. Despite the often comical appearance of such outfits, mummy costumes are highly sought after by treasure hunters and especially unscrupulous merchants for its powerful enchantment, which protects the wearer from curses. As long as the wearer is wearing a mummy costume,he is protected from cursed items and never suffers ill effects from cursed items, instead treating them as though they were simply normal items of their type. Additionally, the wearer of a mummy costume may wear both a scarab of protection and a golembane scarab without those items consuming his neck slot.


Skeleton Costume

Skeleton Costume

            This costume consists of a fine black silk suit which is adorned with real bones from a human male who was condemned to death for his violent crimes. The bones are laid about in a pattern which resembles an intact skeleton rendered in two dimensions, with the entire skeleton being on the costumes front. Such costumes never include skulls or masks. In addition to providing a gruesome façade, sure to please all the vilest of wicked spirits and terrify the local children, the costume has a practical enchantment which renders the wearer immune to bleed damage. Additionally, if the wearer is wearing a mask of the skull,he may use its ability an additional time per day.


Vampire Costume

Vampire Costume

            This stylish garment of red and black velvet wouldn’t be out of place at high court, were it not for the frighteningly rendered ivory fangs and irrepressible stench of grave dirt. A minor part of the costume’s magic makes it easy to speak, even while wearing the oversized fangs in one’s mouth. A more potent, if somewhat grim, charm on the costume allows its wearer to gain sustenance and power from human blood. Once per day, by consuming one liter of human blood (a human body typically contains 5 liters of blood) over the course of 1 minute, the wearer of a vampire costume can gain benefits as though he had received a full night’s rest (complete bed rest). A spellcaster does not regain new spells per day as a result of this, however, and cannot prepare spells until 24 hours have passed since he last prepared spells. Additionally, if the wearer of a vampire costume is also wearing a cloak of the bat, he can use either of the cloak’s fly abilities for an additional 7 minutes before being forced to land.