

The Lone Wolf

March 9th, 2011

Justin Holloway

Masters and Minions Archive

            Welcome again to Masters and Minions, where I strive to give you interesting NPCs and encounters that can be placed easily into your game. This week’s encounter features a newly afflicted lycaonite named Tomas. After regaining control over himself during one of his attacks, Tomas decided to move far away from his own town so he is no longer a threat to his friends and family.

            The small village of Moonshire, however, has recently fallen under attack from a rabid beast, and have turned to the PCs for help.

            The PCs encounter Tomas during one of his nightly transformations.
            You can find more information about lycaonites in our book, A Necromancer’s Grimoire: Marchen der Daemonwulf.