

Heroic Achievements

November 13th, 2018

Joshua Zaback

Extraordinary Feats Archive

Heroism means a lot of things to a lot of different people—for some it is standing up and being bold, while for others it is acts of kindness and generosity that define the ultimate heroic good. Others see heroism in self-sacrifice, honesty, or martial prowess. This week we offer achievement feats that reward heroes for going out of their way to be especially heroic.


A Good Deed is its Own Reward (Achievement)
You are not in it for the money, feeling that a good deed is its own reward.
Prerequisite: You must turn down a cumulative total of 20,000 gp worth of treasure which is offered to you for services that you have performed. Whenever you accept treasure from someone in exchange for a completed task, that amount is deducted from this total. Treasure acquired in other ways, such as the spoils of adventuring, as well as from the sale of goods or for a successful Craft, Perform, or Profession check, is never measured against this total. Offers that are not made in good faith, and attempts to benefit from these rewards without directly accepting them (such as having a proxy accept them on your behalf) do not count towards this prerequisite.
Benefit: Due to your reputation for selflessness, you gain a +4 bonus on all Diplomacy checks. Additionally, whenever you refuse a reward for completing a task, you gain an additional +6 bonus to Diplomacy checks made to interact with the character offering you the reward. This additional bonus lasts until that character’s disposition towards you becomes unfriendly.


Caregiver (Achievement)
You are an unsung hero, giving up your time to help care for others.
Prerequisite: You must spend at least 200 hours using the Heal skill to care for other characters. An application of the Heal skill which takes less than 1 minute is considered to be 1/10 of a minute for the purposes of counting towards this total.
Benefit: You can take 10 on Heal checks to provide first aid or to treat poison and disease. Additionally, whenever you successfully use the Heal skill to provide a character long-term care, the patient recovers hit points or ability score points (lost to ability damage) at four times the normal rate: 4 hit points per level for a full 8 hours of rest in a day, or 8 hit points per level for each full day of complete rest; 4 ability score points for a full 8 hours of rest in a day, or 8 ability score points for each full day of complete rest.


Helping Hand (Achievement)
You know that sometimes the greatest heroes are those who help others, rather than seeking glory for themselves.
Prerequisite: You must successfully use the aid another action at least 50 times. In order to count for this ability, the aid another action must lead to a successful action on the part of the aided character (if you used aid another to aid another character’s attack roll, the attack he makes must hit in order to count for this ability; if you used aid another to aid the target’s AC, the next attack against him must miss in order to count for this ability; if you used aid another to aid a skill or ability check, that check must be successful in order to count for this ability).
Benefit: Whenever you use the aid another action, you may choose to roll 1d6 and add the result, in place of the +2 bonus normally provided by aid another. Other abilities, feats, and spells which increase the bonus granted by aid another are applied normally.


Miracle Maker (Achievement)
You give those that perish before their time a second chance to live the life that was stolen from them.
Prerequisite: You must return at least 10 different characters, who died as a result of violence or other unnatural causes, to life.
Benefit: Whenever you return a character to life, she suffers no penalty from being returned to life, including negative levels, ability score damage or drain, or other negative conditions. If an ability you use to return a character to life restores her to life with a particular number of hit points, or does not specify that she regains spells or abilities, those effects still occur normally. A character you return to life with a reincarnation spell or similar effect may choose to be reincarnated as a member of her original race, instead of allowing the spell to determine her new form; she must decide to do so before her new form is revealed.


Peace Broker (Achievement)
You despise violence and have made a habit of solving problems without bloodshed, saving countless lives.
Prerequisite: You must convince a number of hostile characters whose total combined CR is 25 or higher to resolve their differences without violence. You may use spells or other abilities to aid you in ending conflicts without violence; however, in order to count towards this achievement, characters must choose nonviolence of their own free will.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks made to convince characters to abstain from violence. Additionally, you gain a +2 sacred bonus to AC and on all saving throws against attacks, spells, and abilities of characters against whom you have not committed a hostile action.


Redeemer (Achievement)
You destroy evil not with sword and steel, but with love and redemption.
Prerequisite: You must be responsible for 5 characters with evil alignments changing to any good alignment.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against the spells and abilities of evil characters. If the spell or ability has the evil descriptor, this bonus is increased to +5.


Sacrifice for the Greater Good (Achievement)
You are quick to place yourself in harm’s way for the good of others.
Prerequisite: You must have either given up your life or freedom for that of another character.
Benefit: You gain an aura of sacred energy that defends those around you. All allies within 10 feet gain a +2 sacred bonus on saving throws. This bonus is doubled against death effects and mind-affecting effects.


Weapon of Righteousness (Achievement)
You are a weapon against terror and villainy.
Prerequisite: You must defeat a total of 100 Hit Dice worth of evil dragons, evil outsiders, and evil undead. In order to count as defeating these characters, you must either deal a total amount of damage equal to 1/2 the target’s maximum hit points, reduce the character to 0 or fewer hit points, or be responsible for banishing, subduing, or forcing the target to flee and not return.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls against evil dragons, evil outsiders, and evil undead.